先生の 紹介

World Academyには現在女性3人、男性1人の計4人のグローバルな外国人講師が在籍しております。生徒たちはいろいろな国の人が話す英語を聞き分けられるようになり、いろいろな国の文化に触れることができます。



Hi, I’m Diana. I was born in Hong Kong and educated in Australia. I am enthusiastic about art since I was young. I graduated from the University of Canberra with a Bachelor degree in Graphic Design, followed by a Master degree in English-Japanese translation in Macquarie University. In the past, I have worked as a multimedia designer, English-Japanese interpreter, and overseas educational consultant. After getting married in Japan, and being a mother of 2 kids, I always like to share different kinds of creative art and drawing ideas with my kids. Day by day, I got a lot of inspiration from my kids that prompted me to start my own programme “English is fun with Art, Art is fun with English” to other parents and kids. I wouldn’t say “I’ll teach you how to draw, how to paint, how to speak in English…” I would like to tell you: “I’ll inspire you how to draw, how to imagine, how to communicate.” Let’s have fun with me at “Fun with Art”


Diana先生はとても明るくて笑顔が素敵な方です。そして何よりも子供たちにアートの楽しさを教えるのがとても上手。彼女自身も作品を多く出しており、それはどれも創造的でユーモアも感じられるものばかり。私は彼女のアートに対する思いと子供たちにアートを教えたい熱意を感じたのでWorld Academyに来ていただきました。ぜひDiana先生から楽しいアートを学んでくださいね!


Nice to meet you!
My name is Yukko, born and raised in the Philippines where we speak our native language and English at the same time.
In university, I took up Communication Arts because I was very interested in TV and theater production, but I discovered that teaching and guiding students is my passion. I have been teaching for more than 10 years which started from working as a Business English Trainer to After School Teacher.
Aside from teaching, making digital materials for learning and creating crafts with students are what I enjoy doing now as an educator.
Ever since I was little I have been exposed to different cultures and this made me curious about the world.
In my free time, I travel to different countries to enjoy their culture and their food.
I hope we can meet you soon and I can share some stories with you.




Hello Everyone, I am Monika Jain from India. I did my Bachelors and Masters in India. I worked there for eight years in banking and similar fields. I started my journey as a teacher in Japan in 2018. I was a voluntary teacher in a government organization name YIFA in Yasu for 2 years. In 2020 we moved to Tsukuba and I worked with different schools for after school programs. There I got the opportunity to play, learn and have fun with young children. In my free time I play with my daughter, watch movies, listen to music and learn new things. I want to share what I have learned in all these years and simultaneously learn new things together. I can’t wait to see you all.


Monika先生はWorld Academyのお母さん的存在。厳しい中に優しさのある心の温かい先生です。とても明るくお話も大好きで気さくな人柄に惚れWorld Academyに来てほしいとお願いしました。Monika先生はインド出身で、インドでは掛け算は九九ではなく「12X12」で覚えるそうです。さすが数字のプロ!計算が早いだけではなくお金のプロでもあります。World Academyでは他校ではやらない「Money&Economy」をカリキュラムに取り入れ子供のうちからお金の動きや経済を学ぶ中でお金の大切さを理解してほしいと考えています。Monika先生に掛け算で勝負してみよう!


Hello! My name is Jeff. I was born in Hong Kong and lived in United Kingdom for 8 years, where I received my bachelor degree in the University of Southampton. I speak fluent English at a native level. Teaching is one of my favourite things to do, it brings so much joy to inspire one to learn. I am currently studying translation in Tokyo, not only wanting to improve my Japanese, but to level my language skills at the same time. I hope we can meet soon!


Jeff先生はとても紳士的な方で物事をしっかりとこなす信頼できる人です。きれいなイギリス英語をゆっくり話すのでつい聞き入ってしまいます。少しシャイな一面もありますが長年英語を指導してきた経験を活かしWorld Academyではさまざまな分野のクラスを担当していただきます。Jeff先生は相手の不得意を見つけてサポートするのが得意な先生なので、ぜひクラスにきてJeff先生に「Why?」ときいてみてくださいね。