施設の 紹介









先生の 紹介

World Academyには現在女性2人、男性3人の計6人のグローバルな外国人講師が在籍しております。生徒たちはいろいろな国の人が話す英語を聞き分けられるようになり、いろいろな国の文化に触れることができます。



Hello and nice to meet you. My name Is Katja Andraus and I come from Slovenia, please call me Katja.
First, allow me to share something about myself. Teaching is my life’s passion, and I have been educating students of all ages for over 15 years. My years of experience as a certified Montessori advocate, homeroom teacher, teacher for children with special needs, and guide for new teachers, have shaped a teaching philosophy that guides me to help my students succeed in the classroom and beyond. I truly believe in their success by learning through activities, using hands on materials and all the technologies provided to use in this modern age.

In my free time, I like to plan fun activities for my family, organizing parties, events and playing badminton with my children. I love animals and I am a proud and happy owner of three adorable cats.
I hope I can meet you soon so that we can all share some time together.




Hello, it’s nice to meet you!
My name is Jessica and I am from Australia.
In university I studied science. This has helped me teach Science classes in English to Japanese students since 2018. I have helped many students improve their English skills and achieve their goals! I enjoy coming up with new ideas for classroom activities and games that enrich the classroom environment and enhance student learning through play.

In my free time, I like to read books, play video games and practice Kyudo! I am very excited to meet you and hope we can enjoy learning science together!


本を読みながらフォニックスも上手に教えてくれます。私は彼女の人柄と笑顔に惹かれてWorld Academyに来ていただけるようお願いしました。Jessica先生のもとでAnimalsとScienceについて楽しく英語でお話ししましょう!


Hello everyone!
My name is Livia, I’m from Brazil. I love teaching and arts!
I have been teaching for over 10 years and I get excited to see my students developing and growing.
I believe that the most important thing is to make students feel confident and happy. That’s why I always work on social and emotional skills through art, and on cultivating a healthy and supportive space for children.
I graduated in Art Education and Music Education, and I have a specialization degree (Lato sensu graduate degree) in Theatre and Dance in Education, Graphic Design, and Marketing. I’ve been working as a singer and singing teacher as well.
Art is a language that allows us to get in touch with our feelings and express them, to create connections with the world and people around us, and it can also promote relaxation and creativity. I think it’s really fun to learn English while we make art!




Hello everyone, I’ve lived many years teaching all over Japan, visiting Nursery, Kindergarten, Elementary and Junior High Schools.

I really enjoy traveling around, in my free time, exploring local and distant places . “Slow tourism”,, or just taking aimless hikes or riding my mountain bike through the rambling countryside in no particular direction. I live discovering tiny shrines and insignificant temples among other ancient statues scattered about the abundant nature found outside of concrete cities.

I like to share my passion of science and natural history with students in practical ways.
Looking forward to seeing each of you at World Academy!



World Academy teacher Jeff


Hello! My name is Jeff. I was born in Hong Kong and lived in United Kingdom for 8 years, where I received my bachelor degree in the University of Southampton. I speak fluent English at a native level. Teaching is one of my favourite things to do, it brings so much joy to inspire one to learn. I am currently studying translation in Tokyo, not only wanting to improve my Japanese, but to level my language skills at the same time. I hope we can meet soon!


Jeff先生はとても紳士的な方で物事をしっかりとこなす信頼できる人です。きれいなイギリス英語をゆっくり話すのでつい聞き入ってしまいます。少しシャイな一面もありますが長年英語を指導してきた経験を活かしWorld Academyではさまざまな分野のクラスを担当していただきます。Jeff先生は相手の不得意を見つけてサポートするのが得意な先生なので、ぜひクラスにきてJeff先生に「Why?」ときいてみてくださいね。

World Academy teacher Diana


Hi, I’m Diana. I was born in Hong Kong and educated in Australia. I am enthusiastic about art since I was young. I graduated from the University of Canberra with a Bachelor degree in Graphic Design, followed by a Master degree in English-Japanese translation in Macquarie University. In the past, I have worked as a multimedia designer, English-Japanese interpreter, and overseas educational consultant. After getting married in Japan, and being a mother of 2 kids, I always like to share different kinds of creative art and drawing ideas with my kids. Day by day, I got a lot of inspiration from my kids that prompted me to start my own programme “English is fun with Art, Art is fun with English” to other parents and kids. I wouldn’t say “I’ll teach you how to draw, how to paint, how to speak in English…” I would like to tell you: “I’ll inspire you how to draw, how to imagine, how to communicate.” Let’s have fun with me at “Fun with Art”


Diana先生はとても明るくて笑顔が素敵な方です。そして何よりも子供たちにアートの楽しさを教えるのがとても上手。彼女自身も作品を多く出しており、それはどれも創造的でユーモアも感じられるものばかり。私は彼女のアートに対する思いと子供たちにアートを教えたい熱意を感じたのでWorld Academyに来ていただきました。ぜひDiana先生から楽しいアートを学んでくださいね!




Hi dears, I am Mido from Egypt, and I can speak English as a native. I love teaching so much and I have been an English teacher for kids and adults in different schools in Japan Since 2019. I have creative and interesting strategies in teaching English using different activities and games. Also, I can teach you several techniques for passing the EIKEN/TOEFL/IELTS tests with excellent grades.

I have a PhD degree in world cultural heritage studies from Tsukuba University. I worked as a tour guide for English speaking tourists in Egypt and a researcher at Tsukuba University.

Soccer and travelling are my main interests. I travelled to many countries over the world, because I enjoy sightseeing, discovering new cultures, and making new friends.

I believe that learning English is fun! So, let’s enjoy it and take it easy.


Mido先生に出会ったとき「なんて誠実な方なんだろう」と思いました。筑波大学では研究員として働いておりますが、子供たちにも自分の知識を伝えたい。専攻は地理学と社会です。Mido先生の授業はついつい深堀してしまう時もありますが、学校の授業では学べないようなことも英語で学べるかもしれません。古代エジプトの話も聞けるかも・・・・! ぜひMido先生に会いに来てくださいね。


Hello everyone! My name is Iuliia and I will be happy to explore the world of English with you! We will climb the mountains of art and conquer the jungles of math and sciences together. We will defeat the English grammar monstrosities and swim across the oceans of test preparations. We will master English!

To help you on your successful journey I have already completed some challenges, one being a BA in Linguistics, another one being an MA in Pedagogics (TEFL) and finally, the most fun one – the BFA in Graphics Design! Those were fun but my best teachers are my students – kids’ creativity has no boundaries and my learning journey is never complete with them! They always inspire me to grow as person and as a teacher!

My most favorite thing to do after teaching is reading and listening to books! I’ve visited different planets with Ray Bradbury, fought for the Middle-earth with J.R.R.Tolkien, investigated the murder on the Orient Express with Agatha Christie, learned wizardry with Joan Rowling and ascended the tower of Babel to crack the vault of heaven with Ted Chiang! I also like running, zumba, yoga and coffee. Those are fun too. But nothing compares to the magic of the written word.

I am super excited to help you become a confident, competent and well-read speaker of English at the World Academy! See you soon!


Luliia先生はアートを専攻しておりアーティスティックな感性を持っている方です。アートを通して子供たちに自由な発想で自分を表現できるようになってほしい!決められたやり方だけではなく自由に表現していいのだ!と教えたいと話していた時、私は当校の理念と一致していると思いWorld Academyに来ていただきました。言語も「間違っててもいい!話すことが大切!」アートでも共通する部分がありますね。ぜひ、Luliia先生のクラスで自由に楽しくレッスンを受けてみてください。きっと今までにない自分発見ができるかもしれませんね。

World Academy teacher Monika


Hello Everyone, I am Monika Jain from India. I did my Bachelors and Masters in India. I worked there for eight years in banking and similar fields. I started my journey as a teacher in Japan in 2018. I was a voluntary teacher in a government organization name YIFA in Yasu for 2 years. In 2020 we moved to Tsukuba and I worked with different schools for after school programs. There I got the opportunity to play, learn and have fun with young children. In my free time I play with my daughter, watch movies, listen to music and learn new things. I want to share what I have learned in all these years and simultaneously learn new things together. I can’t wait to see you all.


Monika先生はWorld Academyのお母さん的存在。厳しい中に優しさのある心の温かい先生です。とても明るくお話も大好きで気さくな人柄に惚れWorld Academyに来てほしいとお願いしました。Monika先生はインド出身で、インドでは掛け算は九九ではなく「12X12」で覚えるそうです。さすが数字のプロ!計算が早いだけではなくお金のプロでもあります。World Academyでは他校ではやらない「Money&Economy」をカリキュラムに取り入れ子供のうちからお金の動きや経済を学ぶ中でお金の大切さを理解してほしいと考えています。Monika先生に掛け算で勝負してみよう!